Welcome Students and Family

Check this page often for information that applies to all Snake River Students and Parents

  • Student Injuries and Emergencies​: Student Injuries and Emergencies​

    The playground and classrooms at Moreland Elementary are carefully supervised by teachers and staff members.

    Even with close supervision sometimes accidents will occur at school.

    All accidents are reported to the office immediately. Basic first aid procedures are used by members of the building staff.

    If a serious injury should occur your child will be transported to the hospital by ambulance and you will be notified immediately.

    Insurance coverage is available for purchase at the beginning of each year.  Information is sent home with each student and parents may elect to buy insurance in case of accident.

    The Snake River District carries only the required liability insurance and does not provide medical insurance to cover medical expenses incurred if your child is injured.

  • Attendance

    In keeping with our efforts to do the utmost for all of the children, we ask your cooperation and assistance in the matter of pupil attendance.

    Our teachers are anxious to have all the students participate in the lessons they have prepared.

    Students receive the maximum benefits from regular daily sequential instruction.

    We urge parents to keep pupils at home when it is necessary for health reasons. While we do not want students to attend school when they are ill, we do want them to come to school on all other school days.

    Idaho Code and policy of the Snake River Board of Education states that every student shall meet a 90% attendance rule.

    Under Idaho Code, parents bear the major responsibility of having students attend school.  Elementary students who miss more than 14 days per year will be required to attend a Building Attendance review Committee meeting and could be referred to the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Youth Rehabilitation Act.

    If your child is under a doctor’s care and you anticipate an absence of 10 days or longer, arrangements can be made for a Home bound Teacher.

    Call the school office if you need further information.

  • Late Arrivals and Early Check outs​

    Students arriving late and checking out early present a problem for the smooth operation of our classrooms. We ask that you make every effort to have your child at school before the tardy bell rings and to pick up students when school ends.  Please help us keep classroom interruptions and distractions at a minimum.

    When you need to pick your child up early please, allow enough time to come into the office and let us call them down. We don’t call students out of the classroom until parents are in the building to check them out.

    Students arriving late must check in at the office.

    Your child will be put on the school bus unless a written note is sent from home making other arrangements. We strongly urge you to make plans with your child before they go to school and not call the office with last minute arrangements unless it is an emergency. These messages also cause classroom interruptions, often during the busiest time of the day..

  • Visitors in the Building​

    For the safety of our students, we require that every visitor wear a visitor’s pass if they plan on entering our hallways beyond the office. Our students are young and we want them to be safe and confident at school. A pass can be picked up at the office. If there is a large event with many visitors or helpers for that day, we will require a sign in sheet only.

  • School Bus Information​

    ATTENTION: The right of students to ride on the school bus is conditional on their good behavior and observance of the bus rules and regulations.  Any student who violates any of these will be reported to the building principal and disciplined under the Snake River School District Code of Conduct policy.

    8634 Bus Ridership Rules & Regulations

  • Emergency School Closure​

    A warning of a severe weather emergency or the decision to cancel school or terminate the school day due to severe weather will be provided to our School by the Superintendent. Television and radio stations are notified immediately. Tune in to KLCE FM 97.9 for early morning weather announcements.

    We urge you to talk with your child about emergency closures and what to do if you are not home or unable to be reached. It is very important that we maintain current phone numbers and emergency contacts on each student. If changes occur during the year, please notify the office immediately.

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